We are asking everyone to join us on the international day of action this Friday (tomorrow). NCSU will be doing an action as part of a campaign for WHRIN (Woman in Harm Reduction International Network) aligning with support don’t punish.
We have created a poster graphic to share Friday to address the need for women’s and family services within harm reduction programs! This need is especially important right now in North Carolina right now as we wait to see what the Governor does about signing or vetoing House Bill 918, which if it passes will put women who use drugs and who are pregnant in danger and scared of seeking assistance from any organizations which would report them to DSS.
We are asking everyone to share the attached graphic banner and the following hashtags on social media. You may share as well by printing out the design as a poster and hanging it up or holding it and taking a photo to share on social media.
We are sharing on Facebook and Twitter!
Download poster
Profile Frame for Social Media Download
Download Poster .PDF